Marathon 2 French Version v1.0F

This is a full version of Marathon 2 translated into French.


Ce pack est une version complète de Marathon 2, entièrement traduite en français. Deux versions de Aleph One pour Mac OS 9 et Mac OS X sont également incluses et traduites.

Voir aussi la version française de Marathon 1 pour Aleph One.

Levels in map "Map":
Waterloo Waterpark
The Slings & Arrows of Outrageous Fortune
Charon Doesn't Make Change
What About Bob?
Come and Take your Medicine
We’re Everywhere
Ex Cathedra
Nuke And Pave
Curiouser and Curiouser…
Eat It, Vid Boi!
The Hard Stuff Rules…
Bob’s Big Date
Six Thousand Feet Under
If I Had a Rocket Launcher, I'd Make Somebody Pay
Sorry Don’t Make It So
For Carnage, Apply Within
Begging For Mercy Makes Me Angry!
The Big House
This Side Toward Enemy
God Will Sort The Dead…
My Own Private Thermopylae
Kill Your Television
Where the Twist Flops
Beware of Abandoned Rental Trucks
Requiem For a Cyborg
Fatum Iustum Stultorum
Feel the Noise
All Roads Lead To Sol…
No Disintegrations
Ok, honeybunny
Lack of Vision
Flight of the Toolator
Giant Flaming Pit of Lava
House of Pain
16th Parallel
One Hit Wonder
Ok, Who Wants Some?
Everyone’s Mortal But Me
5-D Space