CyenV1.38.sit v1.0

These levels were designed around 3 people on a network game. So the levels are fairly small. Look for hidden doors.

These levels also work great with an altered physics file, to have the standard gun, modified for a one shot kill.

expect kill rates to be in the 30-50's for a 12 minute game.

Warning, do not mix these levels with caffiene!

Levels in map "Cyen V1.38":
Billy walls
blockhead doors
castle rock
china wall
Circle cross
crusher chaos
da gauntlet
dead trance
fort of doom2
guinea pig
Invisible madness
mystery machine
No Running
parkin garage
pillars of pain
pillars of pain
pit drop
sea sick
sniper alley
square 1
The Siege3
tower of terror 3
trench warfare
triangle tribulation
up and down
wall of surprise
water Rock