The Craft v1.1

A 12-level romp. Mapmaking ranges from very good to acceptable. The storyline is pretty simple, and missing a term or two (I missed a couple) won't hurt you very much. Gameplay is good, old-fashioned carnage. Kill stuff... kill lots of stuff. There's plenty of ammo, and sometimes you have a bunch of bobs to help you... but lots of times it's just your job to kill stuff faster than it comes at you. It gets harder near the end, too... I'm looking forward to seeing John Sumner's vidmaster films of this one. It's bundled with an older version of Aleph One (for MacOS 9) - but I didn't have any major problems using the current version. (If you DO decide to use the bundled version, be aware that it's older than the 3D model code added a bit ago - if you have models in your Aleph One folder, the bundled app won't launch.)

Levels in map "The Craft v.1.1":
Anti-Fungal Coating coming out of my...
Smells like Amahain-Frolk
The Spfherton
They are toast
3 to go bye bye, I thougt
Final Pfhorslaughter
Sparpfh' ornia
Hey Fred, save me some!