BLOOD of BIN LADEN Unimap v1.0
J. Kristopher Huddy's Blood of Bin Laden:
Fight the War on Terror without leaving your home!
For the full story and great "making of" images:
* Covertly strike and neutralize terrorist training camps on the outskirts of Kandahar!
* Uncover plans for the September 11 terror attacks!
* Disarm terrorist arsanals of nuclear and biological weapons!
* Wage face-to-face combat with Taliban soldiers and fanatical suicide bombers!
* Tap into local phone lines to receive orders and stay nourished by consuming humanitarian rations!
* Lead squads of American Marines in ground strikes!
* Liberate the Afghan capital city of Kabul!
* Rescue American missionary Heather Mercer!
* Navigate through Afghanistan's mountainous terrain!
* Discern food rations from unexploded cluster bombs!
* Storm the caves and tunnels of Tora Bora!
* Locate Osama's secret underground bunker!
* And finally, take the al-Qaeda leader out once and for all!
Levels in map "INSTADEATH!.sceA":
Instant-Gratification Level
Levels in map "Map.sceA":
KANDAHAR, Afghanistan
KABUL, Afghanistan
TORA BORA, Afghanistan
Levels in map "INSTADEATH!.sceA":
Instant-Gratification Level