Alexienth Demo v1.1
Play the Sorikon updated map (newest version) or play the Alexieth Demo Map even if they're both absolutely too much fun for a grown person such as yourself! Sorikon had some teensy bugs that have now been addressed with this new package, and it is a complete package, make no mistake. Really cool new weapons to play with. But still, as you round a corner in the dark, it is a sure thing guarantee that something will make you jump! It's on the screen dood, not on your desk! The colors/textures coalesce here for a handsome & well thought rendition of a really scary Tarkyl-infested planet. Storyline is decent, a couple of spelling errors but no biggie. There are interesting and endless varieties of creatures, and always, at the end, Mikey! Comes with Patchers for Sounds, Music, Shapes, a Physics file that will make your day! The Demo, BTW, has shades of our newest fav, Source Code, provided you continue exploring. Worth the download! Try it, you'll like it, especially Mikey! This package contains an updated version of The Alexienth Demo, as well as an updated version of Sorikon. This accounts for the huge size.
Levels in map "Alexienth Demo Map":
Alexienth Teaser
Levels in map "Sorikon Map":