An Al Called Wanda v.1.0.6
A twelve-level solo scenario with an intricate plotline, revolving around a rather disturbed AI named Wanda. Level design is quite good, although some of the puzzles seem to be repeated on subsequent levels. There are some beautiful areas (neat mapmaking tricks) and I never had that "dang, who wrote this story, anyway?" sinking feeling when the writing reminds you that it's only a game... This is a really playable scenario, definitely worth the download. If you get stuck, there are hints available at the author's web page. (You can also find a more complete plot description there.) Be sure to have selected the Wanda Shapes file during play... a couple of times, Infinity reverted to the standard Shapes file during play, and I only found out about it when the game crashed. (This is entirely an Infinity problem, not a Wanda one, but this is the first scenario that caught me more than once...)
Levels in map "An AI Called Wanda":
Seeds of Destruction
Pfhorget About It!
Freudian Slip
One Damn Mess
Napalm in the Morning
Hey, Whose Side Are You On?
Into the Fire
Station Alpha
Station Alpha (the sequel)
All Pfhor One