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October 1996

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Hostile Takeover 1.0.1

Concept of "Corporate America" in Space as Terminals speak of/depict our typical screwed-up, downsized, can't get it today, it's out-of-order and on and on Company. Thank goodness for some very good humor and an excellent and very much fun to play scenario. Ten levels. Not too many secrets here, pretty straightforward mission BUT you absolutely should download this Map!

Laboratory 1.3

A target practice map. You get lots of weapons and ammo, and access to a circular arena - you can let any number of any kind of nasty in that you want, via a set of (protected) switches. Sorta fun to try and get the jugs to wipe everything else out... Unmerged.

The Bouncy Map Pack v1.0

A pair of experimental levels - they're not really playable, since there's little or no ammo or weapons... but there are Q3A-like jumppads to look at, and permission from the creator to use them. Worth a look if you're building.

Magic Waters v1.0

This map was originally submitted to the Bungie Mapmaking Contest in 1997. It was included here because of that... but it was one of several hundred maps that hadn't been looked at. The author discovered it here in September, 2001, and sent in a new readme for it - which got me to finally look at it. Lots of long water channels, a few secrets - plus plenty of places to jump out and snipe from. A bit too big to be a lot of fun with large groups (two of us had trouble finding each other sometimes). Comes with a small sounds patch that adds a new siren sound.

Narrowly Missed v1.0

A large central arena, with a maze of corridors around it. Lots of rechargers (though most aren't safe, unless the groups are small).

Obsidian's Collection v1.0

9 maps, ranging from really fun to really irritating. Lighting could use some work, but gameplay is pretty good. Heavy reliance on 5D - maps like Hall of Illusion are really enjoyable because of it. A couple of vacuum levels, including one that's actually a maze - if that doesn't drive you nuts, nothing will. All in all, a collection worth playing. All maps are unmerged.

Oken-egnaro v0.7

A single-level ship, emphasis on carnage. The enclosed physics model ramps EVERYTHING up, almost. There are no terminals - just kill stuff. There are a few secrets - finding them is up to you. (Suffice it to say that if you don't finish with the Flamethrower, SPNKR, and shotguns, you didn't find them all.) Watch those enforcers!

Redux NetMapPak v2.0

27 maps, ranging from very, very good to... um, well, playable. Made over a number of years by a group of 4 people (and refined along the way), this collection should provide your crew with some serious netplay action. There are descriptions (and credits) for all levels included - start with the Favorites pack, but don't end there. (The Frandall pack is the oddest of the bunch - but that's not always a bad thing.)

Rock & Roll v1.0

Two maps - the first is a single room, a simple arena with some higher points to shoot at the hill from. The second is an expansion of the first - the original room has fancier lighting and more weapons, and the whole map gets a second area.

Schwepps v1.0

A solo romp - keep on your toes, and hunt for that chip. There's a crucial passageway obscured by a fake wall - this, by itself, makes the level far less enjoyable for me, but if you overlook this, it's a decent run.
