Created by Unknown

Death By Accident v1.1

Pretty good layout here. Should have considered calling it 'Snipers R Us' because you will have a good time lobbing volleys through all the slots provided. A few Phfor for solo play, lava areas, teleporters. This is not a simple map by any means, tag would be terrific, fast & furious!

Eternal Warfare

Large arena, Read Me says best for KOTH, Hill is dead center with lower levels having transporters to sniper slots, ammo... you can leap onto Hill. Comment: when you bring up Map on +++ it is full of religious messages, author's statements/observations on all things Jesus & God 'spelled backward is Dog' kinda stuff. It is kind of yin & yang as you get these messages & then try to KILL your friends in a most dastardly & vicious way! What is that all about???

Paint It Black

No Stones here but . . . what the hell??!! Drones! Everywhere! In your face! Tested this solo so maybe it just read solo & gave us the drones for diversion (Yeah, right!). No room to take a breath, use the 1x recharger, just fire for life! Don't see how this could be a playable Net Map. Please don't tell anyone but had to ratchet down to Kindergarten just to get a look see for this description. Damn! Ouch! Splat! Tab

Flash Point

Read Me tells of secrets, a seasoned map maker with a half dozen maps out there. Asks for feedback via email, but hey, no address, no tickee! This is a beautiful map with KOTH play, wherein the Hill is actually a moving platform, tuff! Flick'ta in water canal. This is a large double layered square; perimeter area/walkway outside, and a medium size square with Hill, columns everything you'd want, inside. Comes with a Physics model: Full Throttle. Handsome, playable map.

Rockets R Us

Simple Arena, five sides, four elevators, considerable ammo. Standard issue, could have some fun here.

Flying Fists v1.0

This map is huge! Vast area with KOTH ledge decidedly Large & includes a transporter, can get ammo & leap back onto Hill, cool! Interior great stairway, dark & creepy; maze offshoot from main floor of arena, perimeter walkways, another vast square area for in-your-face carnage. Well, it's HUGE! Could accommodate 10 or more players. Walk-through is absolutely essential! A complex & very interesting layout, check it out!


Two fenced-in squares hovering high over the Lh'owon landscape. Each square contains a switch to activate your forcefield, other guy has same setup. You have a .44 period. Must be a hit switch turn & fire exercise.

Get Up!

A Quad with multiple upright pillar-type thingys to hide behind and some really mean spirited Troopers; this should satisfy two players easily, probably three would be okay, four would be a crowd.
