Created by Unknown

Circle Of Doubt

Large inner circle with surrounding stairs leading off to four corner rooms/areas where weapons & ammo can be picked up. Stairs for ammo also. Central area of circle continually raised Compilers upon entering, only alien to be seen. 2x canister. Probably would work as KOTH or tag.

Claustrophobolis V1.0

This map is very claustrophobic. Lava pit but you can walk on it. Elevators to no particular place. Corridors with no straight shots to be had. You might like it if you like suddenly rounding corners to . . . . Blam!

Who Fears the Marine

We do! It's those crazy Bob's and they are in your face; you enter scenario & aargh, greeted by a contingent of those guys. And a few Pfhor just for the hellavit. Thank goodness for triple strength shield rechargers, you'll need them. Solo play works & with opponents you should have a rollicking good time! No read me, no frills but a well laid out, pretty good size, map. Try it!


Three map levels with No. 1, Dalbom's Street 4, a very complicated layout with basic Arena type play, central area full of nooks & crannies inside & outside that changes from water medium to clear & back. Aliens galore including those teeny guys of every stripe, making this a rapid run for solo play. Supports a multitude of players. Fast! Good! No. 2 is DINO Dungeon, very confined & rather than a Dungeon, appears to be a house, has furniture & a lovely yard full of Juggers. Aliens for solo play. May support four, but a tight arena-type area. Three is River of Pain.


Arena-type setup with a circular reservoir in the middle & Big Blue standing on top pegging shots at you. Fast. Shooting at him may cause your weapon to backfire!

Death By Accident v1.1

Pretty good layout here. Should have considered calling it 'Snipers R Us' because you will have a good time lobbing volleys through all the slots provided. A few Phfor for solo play, lava areas, teleporters. This is not a simple map by any means, tag would be terrific, fast & furious!

Eternal Warfare

Large arena, Read Me says best for KOTH, Hill is dead center with lower levels having transporters to sniper slots, ammo... you can leap onto Hill. Comment: when you bring up Map on +++ it is full of religious messages, author's statements/observations on all things Jesus & God 'spelled backward is Dog' kinda stuff. It is kind of yin & yang as you get these messages & then try to KILL your friends in a most dastardly & vicious way! What is that all about???
