Created by Tony Smith

Magnum Farce

This guy keeps putting out great solo maps. He still doesn't use terminals, but maybe someday... (send him mail). A lava-based level, with plenty of Fire F'licktas to keep things from getting too slow. Really well laid-out-in fact, my only complaint is the reliance on fake walls. (In a couple of places, there are openings that look like the surrounding wall. One I only found by accident... I was backing away from a droid and found myself in a new room.) As always, he's got timing down-when it's time to take a lava bath, you've got enough time to get in and out, but if you miss the le...

"Pure of Heart, Brown of Trousers"

Another totally engrossing map from Tony Smith (Dad, Get Me Out of This and Rescue Bob!). Still no terms, but now he knows about Hex. There's one platform that'll take a bit of work to get on...