Created by Richard Dierkes

Map Mania and Conspiracy v1.1

Like the author says, "If you like dark, carmped and twisty levels than this map is for you." I personally have trouble with hallways that turn so fast that you end up with not really having a hallway. This thing does have a central area "arena" but it's not too big. Again, a triple shield recharge BUT at the end of a very long hallway. Just right for getting a missile in your back. One of those levels where you meet in a hallway and blast until one drops.

Superlatives and Absolutes

A quasi arena map so-to-speak with some very good hill detail in the middle. The hill is a square, multi-leveled passageways. The ring that wraps around is fully exposed to the arena. The author gives you a triple shield recharge, but, as we have seen with his other maps, it is in prime position...

More Spankies For Daddy

A very large net level that has sub arenas around a smaller arena. Leveled walkways around the edge of the map gives access to higher sniper vantage positions. The lava pits on the outside down below will reward with some goodies..Flow is still pretty good in spite of some detailed constructions.

El Winky Quemado de David

A very large net level with the lava texture set. A large middle arena with a good lava chute that is full of ammo/weapons. Smaller rooms that are attached have some ammo cache rooms. One large ring that wraps around the arena with windows and some delicate aiming perches. Very good detail in this map. In spite of the authors attention to the detail, it still runs quite fast. Some 5D tunneling that is great for those that like to sit and wait to pick their friends off. Enough ammo and weapons to last until the floor is covered with carnage. This one will take a large group, but well worth ...