Created by Nick Mason

Apocalypse Net Pack v1.1

A pair of maps that share a similar overall layout, but play very differently. Both are loaded with eye candy (Tempest, especially, has some pretty fun lighting effects), and both have a generally square layout with an outer corridor enclosing an inner complex... but the inner complexes are very different.

Wheel of Evil v1.0

A huge, organic-feeling map in which 8 people could play with breathing room. More aliens than you can shake a stick at... this one works fine as a solo stress reliever, as well.

First Strike v1.0

Loosely based on the Mystic Base map from the Mystic Map Pak, this is a netmap with a twist... it can (sort of) be played solo. That is, there is a mission, of sorts, laid out by the terms.

Kill Frenzy v1.01

A multilevel arena map, with tweaked physics. I'm not usually a fan of aliens in net games... but in this case, I'd make an exception. The hill is the entire arena floor, and the baddies generally stay down there.