Created by Mike Trinder

Lift Test v1.0

A test map that exploits the Platformer Chisel effect. A lift that connects two rooms that is open on all four sides. This map is totally indebted to the amazing map hacking of Jason Harper.

Another Lift Test

A really simple map... two rooms, one above the other, with a totally open lift running between them. Yup, you read that right... totally open. A platform open on four sides on two levels? You're just gonna have to download it to see for yourself. Mike built this with the latest version of Chisel and some ideas from Jason Harper. Get it, use it, make cooler maps.

Love that Curve Ball

A test (successful) of a technique to produce fireballs that fly around a room. They're pretty cool to look at, but don't get in their way...

Lazer Maze

A tiny map with a playable maze. The object is to get to the chip without passing through any lit doorways... you have a couple of switches to turn them on and off. If you fail, you won't be able to get back where you started from... this was more of a test of mapmaking technique than anything else, but it's pretty cool to see what's doable.