Created by Mike Neylon


You start in a pretty open arena, but switches really tighten things up...

World Wide Web v2.0

World Wide Web (above), with a twist. now the nodes are elevators, and travel can occur on two levels...


Mike Neylon's first attempt at a "Bungie-esque" level. Large central arena, with lots of tight passageways on the fringes.


A large, lava-filled room with the good stuff in the center. The only way in is a very narrow walkway that comes up with some switches...

MKN Maps v4.0

21 maps. The four new ones are available separately on this page (if you just downloaded the last version). A collection of all the maps done by Michael Neylon so far. None are very large, but they tend to be good net levels. A couple of the new ones are maps found on the novelty page, redone to be playable...

"Pfhor Ball, Corner Pocket"

Another Mike Neylon map. A pretty nice pool table... the table top makes a great open arena, and the pockets lead to some nasty tunnel fighting.


Two islands, linked by an underground passage. Looks like it'd make for great team play.