Created by Mark Conahan


Three maps from Mark Conahan, originally released in early 1997, but only on Mark's webpage. Finally making their way into the Archives.


Mark's been making Marathon maps since he could. (4+ years now.) He's collected up his best netmaps, retextured or retooled maps originally built for older Marathons, and added a few new designs. The package contains 18 maps, a few of which are variations on a theme. Carnage is quite high in single-player mode, due to the heavy concentration of aliens... most or all of which disappear in multiplayer mode. If you're looking for a netpack that your gaming group can load up and play for a while on your lunchbreaks, look no further.


A strange map... two hills, in areas not accessible from one another. Lots of organic-like curves, narrow passageways, multiple exits... needs a big group.