Created by Jeff Swartz


Supports all modes of play with 3-6 players as optimal number. Map key shows two KOTH areas. Fairly complex layout for running around with elevators and medium size areas for splattering opponents.

Evil-3 of 1

Quite nice... 5 levels, sorta. The first is simply an intro, to get everyone on the same wavelength. The next 3 are a netloop... each is small, complex, with fantastic flow.

Evil-Anorexic Sacrifice v1.1

Jeff Swartz is definitely a mapmaker to watch. This is a big level, but moving around is just beautiful.


A very good medium sized Evil net level. The stariway alone is reason enough to download this map. I really enjoyed the design of this thing and didn't spend much time on the rest of the parameters of the level.

Evil-Argonaut's Tomb v1.0

Totally Terrific Tomb! What a handsome, well designed layout in an EMFH attitude. Large square area, Tomb Shaped, with many, many offshoots; elevators & sniper slots all over, and a 2x affectionately known as 'easy pickings'.

Evil-White Sands

A Evil arena level with a few twists. A couple of layers that overlap but map mode can still handle it. There is a neat Forge trick in this level that feels almost like a pusher. It can be a pain at times...Worth the download!

Evil-Atomic TV

Talk about getting lost! Vast space for game play, very complex map best suited for EMFH, supports all play but KOTH. Complex layout for multiple players, 3 at minimum.

Evil-DOA v1.2

Corridors, upper & lower levels, sniper spots, sewage swims, TP's, all here. Aliens for solo. Supports all play but KOTH. Fast & furious, you will be movin'. Re-con for sure.
