Bowser Castle

This level is probably one of the neatest design's I have seen in a while. I took my time going through it, and finally decided that it was the 5D that made it so different. And, a 5D that is brilliantly disguised. A small hill that is surrounded by elevated lava pools. Access to the hill is via elevators. (this hill is tiny so be careful when firing the spnkr) Surrounded by 3 rings, one that surrounds the whole map which is bounded by landscape. The second one that is enclosed via windows to the hill. Some stairs and elevators give you a variety on this ring. The third, that runs enclosed just inside of the first one mentioned, that is at ground level. THEN, you have the outside arena (5D) that has a light textured hill. Some great ideas in this one. KOtH or EMfH are supported. The readme says it is a small net map. I would hate to see what he calls a large netmap. A great download.

Levels in map "Bowser Castle":
Bowser Castle