Browse Files


Cool name, huh?? A large square arena with hallways that wrap around the middle square. A good sized elevated hill is located in the middle that is accessed by the corners of the hallways or a couple of straight passageways. Some 5D space with this one. Tons of ammo and weapons. Will support at least three net modes and is fast. Texture choices get a little noisy, but overall a good carnage map.

There Can Be Only One (HU)

Construction with this author just keeps getting better and better. No more of the single line walls, no more slow elevators. A large net level set with the pfhor textures. Some of the textures really tend to bleed but after a while I got used to it. Some pretty big arenas connected by stairs and or passageways. Good construction on the stairs, some strange ambient with this one. Pfhor set and I heard some bird sounds?????

Your Worst Nightmare

Probably the best from this author on todays page. Similar to There Can Be Only One, but a little bigger and different texture sets. Will support KtMwtB and EmfH.