Browse Files


A 4 (or 1, depending on how you count) level solo map. Some interesting architecture... mostly interesting architecture, actually, since there's no plot, and little to kill. Fun to figure out, though... I didn't like the first (and 3rd and 4th) levels-too much like Colony Ship.

Let's Get Real

Another short, no-brainer solo level. Run around and kill everything installing uplink chips along the way. If there's a plot in those terminals, it was totally lost on me. Whatever.

Marathon 1 Arrival

Bungie's Arrival (the first level of M1), ported to Infinity and containing a shapes patch with the M1 textures. In the words of the creator, "to see how it was meant to be..." One caveat... don't touch the terminals. They'll freeze you hard.

Multi Perculoso

A small solo level with the simple mission of killing everything and teleporting out, but this one's a great test for your Vidmaster skills. Right from the start you're confronted with hunters and Exploda-BoBs armed only with your pistol, and the last room is a real killer due to some monster physics tweaks. Check out the included films to prove that it really is possible to complete on the higher difficulty levels.

The Big P

A very short solo 'scenario'. To be quite honest, I really couldn't figure out the story line from either the terminals or the readme, but the idea seems be to run around and kill everything. It would be possible to run through the entire level in under 2 minutes if it wasn't for the modified physics that makes some hummers invisible and massively increases their vitality. 10 AR magazines at close range took care of them.

Welcome to Hell

A 5-level solo effort (four if you don't find the secret level). Straightforward in design, and a bit hokey when it comes to plot, but fun to play nonetheless. See if you can find the secret level without resorting to Forge...