Browse Files

Joker's Dice

Two tiny arenas, joined by a corridor. Pretty mapmaking... extremely high carnage rates with any more than 2.

King of the Fortress

I made this map a while ago to test my skills at map making and survival. In solo mode you can go into the middle of the map to fight mystics.

Multiplayer could be fun with King of the Hill by using the lava switch.

Have fun =)

Way Cursed Hock'n & Pinch'n

Two large levels, with lots of tunnels. (did I say tunnels?) If you are the type of net player that likes to fire it out head on, then these levels are for you.

Anyone seen the cork lately? v1.1

Arena style for up to 8 players. Water medium in large central room one can see from windows on surrounding pathway. Supports KOH, KMWTB & Tag. Crusher room, ouch, it's bad. Spacious, author says the more the merrier.


This has to be one of the largest, most complex net levels I have seen. It is really not a net level, although there are many starting points. I believe that the author has put into this level just about everything you could think of. There are some bugs, a couple of untextered sides, some polys not being assigned "alien impassable", but when you download this thing, you will play forever. Some very good visual ideas, but, almost "overkill" in some ways. This author deserves some email, download it, give it a try and let him know.

Crumpet Monkey v1.4

At first this set of levels looked very familiar. Make sure to take the time to read the "read me". A net hopper that has some really neat tricks. I remember this authors levels due to the doors that open at a angle. When you start on the first level, you;ll know what I mean. Five levels in all, some nice geometry, some nice flow and I only found one dead end on the 4th level. Supports many net modes and will hold up to 8.

Did You Get That Number? v2.2

Very straightforward map. Recommends 2-8 players or more. Huge Read Me which leads you to believe there's more here than there really is. Stairways (one or two?), sniper spots. Author would like feedback & Films.

Gallery of Death

A large, open map with 6 featureless areas linked by catwalks and passageways. Not much in the way of eye-candy, but I suppose the flow's okay.
