Browse Files

"Tanks, What a Wonderful Thing!"

A radially symmetrical map... the hill can't be reached directly, but the path up also can't be guarded by the hill occupier... simple in design, but high in playability.

Brain Surgery

Layout is simple, flow is great, and textures need serious alignment on this pretty nice two-level map.

Fever of Unknown Origin

Derived from Tanks, What a Wonderful Thing, this map has lots of water, lots of passageways, and just enough depth change to get you to blow yourself up every so often.

High Anxiety

Another team map. There are two forts, each with a few ways in, all of which involve a very exposed, very slow elevator ride. Lots and lots of weapons in the forts, lots and lots of ammo in the ammo dump (nowhere near the forts). This is a very big map-play this if you like the hunt, not if you're looking for in-your-face carnage. Some cool tricks, like bunker shutters (windows that close from the inside, but don't open from the outside...). Not viewable with Pfhorte.

Pull Down the Shades v1.1

A small, simple arena, with a twist. There's a hill in the center, and four rooms around the outside. The rooms have windows through which players can shoot (in either direction...). The doors leaving the rooms are one-way, out. However, with a little searching, you might find another way back in... but watch that you don't get SPNKed while you're looking.

The Pfhorum

Huge. There's a central area filled with water, and lots and lots of places to go and hide. Can be played solo, or networked with large groups... The basic goal of the mapmaker was to provide multiple access points to most places. He succeeded... It's really hard to trap anyone-there's always a back door.

The Tower

A big ring in a bigger room. You can use the center pool to get to the outer rings, or you can grenade-jump there directly... Check the water for treats, and look around for a tozter... One bad texture in the tozter room.

World Cup Soccer

Another team variant. Somewhat like the Assault concept, but with a few differences. The map layout is mostly a large soccer field, with a ring around the outside. (Check out there for bigger weapons, guarded by lots of explodabobs...) The object is to flip switches in the opposite goal... one nasty side effect is that the switch flipper is crushed to death. Oh, the sacrifices you make for your teammates...