Browse Files

Pfhar Lap

A simple arena, with a couple of ledges around the outside. There are elevators to get you up, but they've got a hell of a delay... and you're pretty brightly lit. There's some nice goodies underneath, but to get them, you've got to run a sort of gauntlet. Works best with at least 3...

The 80 Monster Killer

You're in a central pit. In a raised walkway around you are 80 baddies (mostly explodabobs). Step on the central poly, and you close a crusher, starting a chain reaction that kills almost all the rest.

The Daily Grind

The primary feature of this map is the crusher. There are lots of them, and they're all user-operable. Makes a great way to kill your friends... (you won't get credit in the carnage report, but their death tally will still go up). Very nicely done, overall. Worth a look.

The Deep End 1.2

Um, yeah... well, I guess you could play it networked... Basic design is a very narrow walkway running through PfhorSlime. One misstep, and you're toast... No way back up, no recharging, no weapons down below... it's kinda silly.