TTEP 5.2 (includes 5.1) fixes various bugs and adds a couple of textures that were missing in the Total Texture Enhancement Package 5.0 release.
17 new textures for the jjaro set ready to use.
This is M1A1 Map and Image file which translated into Japanese.
This small patch will update the Total Texture Enhancement Package from version 5.0 to 5.1, no matter which resolution of TTEP 5.0 you have.
This is an SDL-compatible version of the Marathon Rubicon scenario. It's identical to the Mac version, except for file formats.
Head to the website for more details.
Two small net maps for MI/A1.
In commemoration of my 17th birthday, I've compiled 17 net maps for free public SPNKings. So let them begin, foo!
Remake of the original in-game Marathon song Landing
M1A1 Japanese Version
Add chapter screen and 1 network levels.
Japanese M1A1 infomation page is here.
One cool level and a shapes installer.
A net map. A good one.