May 1998

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August 1998

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January 1999

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February 1999

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March 1999

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Any Noise/Anti-Noise V3.0

A large, intricate level, with a variety of areas to fight in. The map centers around a large, fractured arena, but there are plenty of nooks and crannies to hide in, and several ways in and out. There didn't seem to be any dead ends (well, okay, one, but it's minor), and a lot of care has been taken with textures and lighting. There's a nice selection of monsters, if you want to run through it solo. I suppose my only complaint is that the central area is relatively complicated, and we experienced a noticeable slowdown with two ethernetted G3's when fighting in that area. Other than that, ...

The Chickenizer Infinity Project

Three maps, a physics model, and the point of the whole package, a sounds patch. The maps have nice flow, and support a good range of players. (The texture choices sometimes need a bit of work, but...) The physics model is plainly insane, and massively increases the damage you can do with your weapons. (A film of one of the maps is included, so that you can see for yourself what happens.) The sounds patch, though... wow. Mostly digitized (and seriously modified) voices... it ranges from drop-dead funny to seriously surreal. This package is net only... but your local netgroup will enjoy the changes imposed by the various pieces.

Alex First

Two maps. One (Caverns) is dark, twisty, and has lots of explodabobs and MoaHs. Its main point of interest, though, is its creator... Alex Okita is an artist at Bungie West, working on Oni. This was his first Forge map. (The other map in the archive was made by a friend of his, and is a model of the friend's house. Lots of weapons, but in very specific places... take a runthrough before you play this one.)

Pfhactory N'Utopia

By some incredibly lame oversight on my part, this seminal map never made it into the archives. (It's been finished for years...) It's the base for the Infinity maps Aye Mak Sicur, Aie Mak Sicur, Carroll Street Station, You're Wormfood Dude, and who knows what else. It started life as a huge M1 netmap, grew into an M2 netmap, was probably the first 1024 poly Infinity map, and is just one heck of a map. And now it's here. Sorry for the delay.

Last Survivor of the Nostromo...

The last Marathon map ydnar ever made. It's been sitting on his drive until now... it's not entirely finished, but nearly finished for ydnar is polished like a diamond for human mapmakers. (Well, okay, it could use a little bit of lighting and sound work, and maybe some weapons placement... but it's pretty impressive as it stands.) Enjoy it...

Pesky Porkchop

Beautiful but large netmap...

Monsters added for solo play.

no sick & twisted physics

nice to look at

Heptapus V1.1

A wheel-like map with seven spokes. A bit of 5D space gives you a pair of upstairs...personally, I prefer the one with the recharger.Hard to tell, but v1.1 seems to have more monsters than 1.0 had. (No mention in the readme what the changes are.)

Root Square V1.0.1

A tight, pillar-filled level, with a small open area in the center and a pair of raised catwalks. Lots of attention to lighting detail, to great effect. Not the lowest-poly-count map out there, though... a bit slow on older machines. (Okay, you need a fast ppc to run it.) Quite nice as a solo practice level, due to the repeating baddies... definitely worth the download. Not clear what's new in this version... possibly tweaked weapons placement?

King's Court (FFA)

A large arena with a corridor system around the outside. Physics have been modified to make sure there's always someone who wants you dead, and lots and lots and lots of baddies have been added. Good for a "see if you can stay alive for more than 30 seconds" run on TC, if you're not hiding in a corner somewhere.

Marathon Xperiments

Two maps (well, there are three, but the first and the third are identical) with some very interesting physics experiments. The first map has a very useful jetpack built into the second trigger of every weapon. One of the best I've used. The second has some pretty serious weapons modifications... as a solo test level, this one'll keep you coming back for more, and as a net level... well, carnage rates will be pretty absurd. Nicely done, as experiments go. Give 'em a try!
