Created by Shannon Murdoch

The Pit 2001 v1.0

Complicated, funky spaces, lots of stairs. Takes a little while to get used to - figure out where you are. More than enough ammo and weapons for a huge game - tight enough (once you get used to it) for a small one.

The Stadium (SM) 1.0

Big open (dark) pit, lots of running rooms on the outside, more rechargers than you can shake a stick at.

You Can Run... 1.0

Double-level map - the bottom is a pillar-filled arena with lots of hiding spaces. The top is a ring around the outside, with teleporters and stairs jumping between the two. Dark. Unmerged.

Spokes of Carnage v1.0

A two-level wheel. Plenty of ammo and weapons, easy cover. Movement (due to the small size and the teleporters) is very fast.

Narrowly Missed v1.0

A large central arena, with a maze of corridors around it. Lots of rechargers (though most aren't safe, unless the groups are small).

Sparks in the Engine Room ? v1.0

A pit with wild lighting- does a good job of hiding snipers on high. Watch out for that ammo cache! Unmerged.

Circular Dismemberment v1.2

A tiny arena with a raised ring around the outside. There's a 2x recharger in the center... but it's pretty hard to use without being SPNKed. Unmerged.

Evil Walls 2001 1.0

Pretty funny - there's an invulnerable bob in the center of the map, firing rockets in a loop, periodically. You can't hurt him, and you can't survive the rockets... so stay out of the way! Makes for an interesting obstacle course...

Hard Target 1.0

Good for KOTH - the vertical scale is great enough that SPNKRs are nearly useless for hill-sniping from above. The downstairs is interesting, as well...