Created by Goran Svensson

The Yota Saga Pt 7 V1.0

Installment 7 of an ongoing series - you NEED the shapes patch from Part 4 (supplied in this download) for this to work. Two levels, this time... but the first level is mostly story development. (Be careful about shooting on this level.) It took me a while to figure out how to get off the first level - the last terminal is NOT intuitive. (Keep tabbing - you'll find it.) Once again, filled with eye candy (lighting/shapes tricks) - the chain-operated door is pretty cool. Play it through!

The Yota Saga, Part 6 v1.0

Installment 6 of a pretty good ongoing series. This one's focused on jumping. Grenade jumping, primarily... but you NEED rockets in at least 2 places. Gravity has been dropped just enough to make it all work nicely... I had a blast (literally). Special effects, as usual, are well-used - I especially liked the implementation of the Battle Cat's Split Poly technology. And there's a section, near the end of the level, that couldn't be done in Infinity - there are just too many lines in view. (Very cool floors, though.) A film is included, if you get stuck - I didn't look at it, but the readme says it shows the best way through the level. This series continues to impress!