Created by Borzz

High School Tool

This map is really a high school, almost like the one I teach at. Complete with a football field and lockers in the hallways. I didn't have time to go through every nook and cranny---I did want to get it up tonight. A net map that can be played with teams, every man for himself, king of the hill or kill the guy with the ball. With 2 it might be slow--although I plan to try it with two asap!! Great construction, great use of texture placement. This one is cool!!!!! Comes with a patcher that HAS TO BE USED!!

Niagara Falls

Probably one of the biggest if not the biggest map I have seen in a while. It is not giant as far as space is concerned but in vertical form; it is one of the tallest I have played. Ingenious idea of using media to allow for long views without smearing. The concept of media/water with space was really interesting. A very unusual map!


This puppy's much bigger than it seems at first blush. Billed as "a very simple carnage warehouse", this map contains lots and lots of nooks and crannies... enough to keep eight players busy, easily. The hill is reachable from a hundred different directions, it seems... you can jump to it from nearby ledges, and teleporters bring you to it from the farther reaches. And wonder of wonders... this map contains two lava pools, and neither one has to be fatal! This map has potential as a long-term keeper.