Created by Andrew Miner


A cool idea, in concept... but we couldn't get it to work for us. The idea is that you've got a bunch of interlinked rooms... and monsters in a different part of the level will open and close connecting doors, seemingly at random. If it works, it's pretty cool... you'll never know if that grenade you shoot is gonna blow up in your face as the door closes. In practice, we only had a couple of doors open and close for us...

Gant Center

Modeled after the Math/Science building at UConn. Multi-level, open map, rather dark overall, but with plenty of bright areas. Flow is good, elevators are nice and fast, ammo is plentiful. Also available in an Evil flavor.

I'm Flying

A lava-filled level with a physics model that enables flying. Controls take some getting used to-when the run key is pressed, there's gravity, when you let go, gravity is gone. You can use your fists to move around (left is backwards, right is forwards), and grab the goodies in various alcoves around the place. Expect to die a few times in the lava before figuring out the flying... we found it was the most common form of death in the beginning.

Platform Fun v3.0

Platforms acting as walls constantly change the shape of the playing field, providing differing paths for getting to your objective. Not much to look at, but can be fun to play.

Prison Tower

A central building with some very confusing insides, and a few outer passageways. Hard to get used to.

Srea v1.0

Another chisel-influenced level. Lots of concentric circles... with some neat flow in the center.

Alhambra v1.1

A huge, wide-open, nicely-built killing area. Weapons and ammo come in clumps... so if you want a particular weapon, you also get lots of ammo for it. Also comes in Evil and Tempus Irae flavors.

The Altar

A big level, starting in a really dark room, with access to brighter areas. Some neat tricks, but the flooding one causes some nasty smearing... Also available in an Evil flavor.
