Warrior's Way

From the author of Rebel Base, this is a continuing three level adventure of The Last Interceptor. At first I was too crowded with this thing, but a second time through, I found it a little bit more open and after slowing down a bit, you begin to appreciate the work that went into this. On the second level there is a incredible light hallway that was really designed well. I tried hard to get a shot of it, but I kept getting fried every time I slowed down at that point. If there was one thing I can say about these maps it is that no space goes undone. The author uses every available wall, platform and poly possible. Ammo is there, just not in the usual places. A few smears on the second level, but other than that the flow at times is pretty good. Good use of sounds and lights along with some unusual platform tricks. Some very sharp angles at times but with some deligence you can get around them. Download this one just to see what platform ideas this guy has.

Levels in map "WW map":
level 1
Level 3