Surgical Strike

Level 3 of the Codename Genesis Trilogy. This by far is the authors best yet. His first two maps Codename Genesis and Postcard from Valhalla should be played before this one. The story line continues and is one of the best yet, but, you need the first two installments for all of it to piece together. The map, well you must first play Codename to understand how this author makes maps. His attention to detail and unusual tricks will make you stop and rethink your moves. Ammo is logically placed, detail is great and every detail is there for a reason. STRATEGY is a must at all times with this guy!! Unlike his first two creations, this one is more open and gives you some fighting room. But, the visual aspects are on the lines of Tony Smith and Frigid. I tested the Postcard level before it was finished and I must say that this one is at least twice as good. The term art again is great, and the inside remarks are a nice change of pace. This map comes with a physics model that MUST be used to make it effective. Make sure to save your game as often as possible. The end of the game is, well........ Email this guy and let him know what you think

Levels in map "Surgical Strike":
Noocler Waste Taste Good to Me