Lysander XB71

A brilliant solo effort!!!! I have played this one all day trying to get to the end of it. I am just about there but I decided to stop and get it posted for everyone else. A two level, (well the first one is informational) solo map with some very creative and very good artwork. I really don't care if it is just a symbol, it is very refreshing to see something in a terminal other than the Bungie picts. This map is full of unexpected surprises, built on the tradition of the M2 levels, it will take you a while before you finally figure out what is shootin' at you. EVERYTIME I thought I was finally making it through something else would show up and tozt my butt!! Some very thoughtful work went into this one and a pretty cool story line to boot. One time I thought I was just about there and then my wife ask me why I was yelling DAMN so loud at the computer screen. This was right about the time a explodabob came out of nowhere. You get the idea?? Make sure you save your game often, you'll need it. Some great visual effects and some great puzzles to figure out. At times very dark, but it can help you just as much as it can help the baddies! As you can tell, one that would make my hall of fame if I had one.

Levels in map "Lysander XB71 v1.0":
Lysander XB71
Prospero's Right Arm