Fm: Damned if you do...

Requires: Marathon:Evil, for the single map -or- Marathon:Infinity for the Net Map Pack version.

Specs: Was created on a PPC with Forge. Runs really well for me. From my FPS, it will run well for other PPCs, and run 'ok' on 040 machines.

Damned if you do... is a map I decided to finally create. I had the sketch in my book for ages, but never got around to making it. So, here it is. I hope this is as fun as many of my other maps.

Made for all types of play, this one is really good in King of the Hill. The Hill is more of a pit inside a central building. The majestic look of the entrance to the building is where most of the action takes place, "on the steps of hell". There is a high upper rim from which you can snipe and attack from, as well as retreat and leap into the hill area (great for mid air shots).

This map can also be played using Infinity, but you must make sure you get the Infinity Map Pack v3. If you try to run the single EVIL version of this map, you will crash in Infinity. The EVIL version is in the Sewege set, and the Infinity version is in Water.

Levels in map "EVIL-Damned...":
Damned if you do...