Browse Files

Be Happy or Not

Four-level solo/coop scenario. While this one was designed to be played coop (and designed well), it was also been built to handle solo play very nicely. It's not easy, but it keeps the adrenaline flowing without building up too much frustration. Snazzy little tricks, multiple paths to each objective (some will have you banging your head and saying, "Why didn't I think of that first?"), and overall kickass level construction make this one a winner. Robert Blake comes off as a bit of a psycho, but what else is new?

Htahth Station

A level from an upcoming solo scenario, and a partial second level. It can be played net, but it was designed as a solo level. Navigation is a bit confusing (and the map view doesn't help), but construction is fine, and it's a good stress burner.

Mind of Bob

Bob is your SPNKR... and you'll need to use him well here. Two levels, the first is quite short. Ammo is very well rationed on the first level, a bit more plentiful on the second. Very nice monster placement... there are enough, and in the right places, to make it difficult, but not impossible. (The room that looks the hardest is amazingly simple, if you just think for a minute first...) If you haven't mastered SPNKR jumping, you're gonna die a lot...

The Last Interceptor 2.0

A five-level solo scenario. Very nice terms, and generally great level design. Monster placement has been toned down nicely since the last verison. Lots of goodies in places you really shouldn't be going, so explore... The plot isn't Shakespeare, but it'll get you by, and the levels will keep you entertained for a goodly chunk of time. Update expands the first level, and aligns textures, reduces baddies, and improves spelling throughout.

And check out the Digestible Chunks page, for floppy-sized pieces!