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Don't Get Pfhunked

Another type of capture the flag. Find the switch in your opponent's base, then come back and flip your own. Your opponent's base will fill with lava. (Likewise, if he gets to yours first, upon flipping his, your base will fill with lava... should make you think twice before flipping...)

Four Pillars v3.0

A very slick, extremely confusing (at least the first time) large map. There's a bit of everything here... open space, sniper nests, 5D space, crushers for your enemies... you name it, all packaged in a very visually appealing map. The motion detector is close to useless, and there are many ways to get around. Use the various elevators as cover. Update cleans up a few bugs, consolidates polys (should run faster), adds sounds and aliens, and generally improves play....