Browse Files

Evil: Apostasy & Nettleson

Visually, one of the nicest maps that I have received in a while. Built with the water texture set, this level has various multi-levels that can be accessed rapidly and with ease.

Evil: Corrupt Behavior

A medium sized square arena. The ring provides access to the four levels that wrap up to the top elevated area. Built with the sewage texture set, this level has very good flow and if you are a mouse player, the aiming that this one requires will be right up your alley. Lots of aliens for practice and most net modes supported!

Evil: Profane Catalepsy

A small to medium sized net level with two raised walkways along with two levels that make up this level. Total levels in this map equals three and the transitions are very fast and very smooth.

Evil:Fetid Psyllium Sigma Net Hop

Seven levels, really just six with a starter level. This is a Evil net hopper with some very fine small to medium net maps.

Marinero al Carbon

Out of all the Evil levels that Rich has made, I liked this one the best. There is a embedded physics model and once you play this level, I think you will understand why I liked it so much.

Evil: Androgynous to the Touch

I have debated on what to say about this level. It is a very large, fast, loaded with baddies, tons of ammo, lots of weapons and really laid out well. A large net map, a practice level?

Evil: Triptych

Another very good level, this one at times resembles a very large arena, but like his other maps it is once again, a "You call it". I had a lot of fun trying to stay alive in this one, and if your in need for some "Evil" carnage, this is the download for you!

When My Sister Sings

A medium sized net level built more along the lines of a Fm map. (IMO) Although this is a Evil shapes patch, the level that comes with the patch is quite good. The patch gives the bObS SMG's.
